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About Us

The Grandsons of Italy in America is an Italian club for Italian men in Los Angeles, California.


The Grandsons of Italy in America (G.O.I.I.A.), a nonprofit organization, had its infancy in September 1989, when Tony Vallo founded an Italian-American men's group. Led by Vallo, the group, which included Mike Policare, Lou DeMarco, Gino Dente, and Jimmy Ceasar, started to meet twice a month to reflect on their Italian- American upbringing and have a good time.


By October 1992, after the group grew to more than 50 members, it was voted to organize into a social club to prevent the loss of the Italian culture as Italian-Americans were being assimilated into the American culture. An executive board (President, Vice president, Secretary, Treasurer and Member-at-Large) was elected, by-laws were adopted, and a vote to incorporate approved.


We are located in Los Angeles, California and have our meetings in North Hollywood in the San Fernando Valley.

The purpose of the Grandsons of Italy is manifold:
1. To perpetuate our Italian heritage and values, which contributed greatly to making-this a great country.


2. To serve as a charitable organization by utilizing our membership’s vast diversified talents, vocations, aptitudes and abilities in helping:
   • Children regardless of all races, religious and ethnic background,
   • Each other whenever the need arises,


3. To welcome a new member so he would feel at home with the old gang that he left back in the old neighborhood. 

4. To enjoy each other’s company.

5. To highlight each meeting by eating, laughing and arguing a moot point.

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